The Pitch

Want to change the world? Join The Pitch at Stream where we use data, technology and creativity to find big solutions to big problems.

This year our partner is the Elton John Aids Foundation, and the MenStar Coalition which they helped to co-found this summer.

MenStar is the world’s largest ever grouping of global organisations to fundamentally expand the diagnosis and treatment of HIV infections in men – key to breaking the cycle of HIV transmission and ultimately ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. We launched it this summer at the International Aids Conference in Amsterdam.

Our challenge for Stream 2018:

“African men between the ages of 25-35 infect teenage girls with HIV at a rate of 5:1. Driven by the social value of sexual prowess & physical resilience, they have no incentive to ever limit their sexual contact, or admit to needing a doctor. And even though more young women are infected, many more men die of AIDS. How can we change young men’s attitude towards sex & health without stripping them of their definition of manliness and drive more to self-test?” We are open to considering any new approach to solve this problem e.g. marketing, technology, & partnership which could make a massive shift in testing occur. How to get involved?

1. Join a team or create one: get in touch with the Pitch Directors Executive Director Elton John Aids Foundation, Anne Aslett, and Victoria Pattinson of WPP. You can either join a team or become one of our 5 team leaders. You can also join a team on site when you arrive in Greece by signing up on the board.

2. Start thinking about the challenge: Message Victoria to get the short briefing pack in advance.

3. Meet your team:
Join the Pitch breakfast on Friday– and start to devise your solution over the next two days.

4. Pitch your idea:
The pitch will take place in front of a full-house audience and a panel led by Anne and John O’Keeffe, WPP Worldwide Creative Director. You have 2 minutes to convince the panel and the audience yours is the winning solution. Previous ideas have won funding on the spot and corporate support, and we are actively looking for ideas to put in action.

Any questions? Got an idea for a challenge? Get in touch here.

The Pitch Team
Victoria Pattinson, WPP, Director of Pitch, Stream 2018
Anne Aslett, Director Elton John Aids Foundation, Co-Founder MenStar Coalition